
Jin Yong Library and the Four Trees

Over the weekend I saw a rare appeal article by Liushen Leilei asking the relevant parties not to demolish the Jin Yong Library in Jiaxing City, and it reminded me of a “Save the City Trees” notice I saw on the street a few days earlier.

It said that the city government of Norrköping had approved the cutting down of four large trees in the city center to make way for a new five-story building and open space. In response, a certain environmental group will hold a demonstration somewhere, sometime, and they hope that more people will join them in the fight for the city’s trees.

In addition to the notice, a banner was hung that was so prominent that passersby stopped to look at it and take pictures. It seemed more visual and vivid than the SFI lesson on “Democracy and Society” and reminded people from afar that this is how we deal with things.

When I finished reading the message with Google Translate, I could hear Leung Man-tao’s voice in my ears:

“It doesn’t guarantee success, it doesn’t always work, but it’s a spiritual light that illuminates the world.”

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